Getting Handsome - A Manual for men

Getting Handsome - A Manual for men
Buy Now $AUD 25.00

Have you ever been uncertain over which tied to wear with a particular colour of shirt? Not known which type of suit to go for? Wanted to be a little more adventurous in your dressing, but weren`t sure how to go about it? Wondered how casual is casual?

Getting handsome is a collection of essential tips and ideas that will help you with the ease and all your other questions relating to clothes and style. Tips the dressing confidently for work, business, function, dates and sporting activities are included, as well as tips shopping well and caring for your clothes. Advice on colour, style, presentation, shape, size, and developing personal presence are covered. There is also a section on social etiquette, how to choose wine at a restaurant, and what to do when the wine appears.


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